In todays society hot water with lemon juice has made it’s way into the forefront of our daily lives from housewives to health fanatics, weight watchers and fitness guru’s, all battling to rid their bodies from the daily onslaught and build up of chemicals and toxins that comes from living in today’s polluted world.
Many of us are also aware of the countless health benefits lemons harbour, such as their strong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune boosting powers, plus their use as a weight loss accelerator, because lemon juice is also an excellent digestive aid and liver cleanser.
Lemons are know to contain citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene which in turn promote a stronger immune system and aid in fighting against infection, besides being responsible for making our digestive systems function smoothly and at full steam.
To make the perfect lemon water for optimum health benefits, you should begin by using filtered or purified water which should always be lukewarm not scalding hot, as pouring boiling hot water directly onto fresh lemon juice will slowly begin to kill the vitamin C.
Avoid making your lemon with ice cold water as first thing on a morning and last thing at night this can be a lot for your body to process. Always use fresh lemons, preferably chemical free or organic if possible, to avoid any nasty chemicals from contaminating your drink, if not please ensure the lemons have been washed thoroughly.
Don’t use bottled or squeezy lemon juice as it does not hold the same amount of vitamin C levels.
Begin by squeezing 1/2 a lemon into a glass, add the cold water first, then slowly top up with hot water until the solution is at blood temperature. Now for the all important and most often-overlooked ingredient that provides you with the maximum health benefits: Yes thats it: You need to add lemon zest!
Lemon zest contains flavonoids, which is where the lemons detox powers and properties hail from.
So now you have the secret formula, the next time you whip up a glass of this magic potion don’t forget to ensure you grate at least half a teaspoon of lemon zest into the water, along with the lemon juice to ensure that you are reaping the full benefits from your daily brew.
The best time to enjoy your lemon water is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and last thing at night before retiring to bed.
For an added boost trying adding freshly grated ginger, turmeric or cayenne pepper.
- Lemon Water Helps The Liver Eliminate Toxins & Waste Products:
The liver has various roles in the body including detoxification, protein synthesis, and production of bio chemicals to aid in proper digestion. Lemon water increases the livers detoxifying enzymes and helps the liver carry out these functions more efficiently. - Lemon Water Is Extremely Alkalising:
The body functions best in a more alkaline state and cancer cells tend to breed in an acidic body. Unfortunately due to the foods most people eat, the things they expose their skin to, and the environment they live in, most people’s body’s are very acidic.
Lemons are very alkalising to the body and blood (although lemons are actually an acidic fruit). - Lemon Water Is A Rich Source Of Vitamins & Minerals:
Lemons are naturally rich invitamin C, antioxidants, antibacterial and antiviral properties which helps to maintain a healthy immune system. Also vitamin B for energy production, riboflavin for tissue repair, growth, & development plus minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium which help build strong bones & teeth. - Anti Ageing Skin Care:
Lemon water can act as an anti-ageing remedy by removing wrinkles and improving the overall appearance of your skin, by helping to remove daily toxins from the body. - May Aid In Weight Loss:
Lemon water can help burn fat faster. When the liver is full of toxins it can’t metabolise fats as efficiently.
So it’s time to get brewing and enjoy a long refreshing glass of lemon water, your body will thank you for it..Sip up!