Olive trees are one of the oldest known cultivated species in the world, with a life span of between 300 and 400 years. The trees belong to the Oleaceae family, along with Ash, Jasmine and Lilacs.
The olive’s precise origins remain a mystery but are believed to have originated in the Mediterranean Basin and Asia Minor. Early cultivation is thought to have begun over 6000 years ago in Syria, Palestine and Crete.
The ancient Greeks considered the olive tree to be a gift from their goddess Athena, utilising the oil of the fruit in religious ceremonies. So sacred was the tree to the Greeks that it was prohibited to cut down an olive tree under any circumstances, with offenders facing a penalty of death.
The fruit of the olive and its oils are extremely abundant in the Mediterranean and other countries such as Egypt, Turkey, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Iran, where they make up an integral and particularly important part of everyday life.
The oil was originally used as lamp fuel and it was not until 1600BC that the culinary benefits were eventually discovered by the Greeks. Word soon spread and before long, the Italians, Spanish and French were all cultivating the fruit and producing oils for culinary use.
Throughout history, the virtues of the ancient olive tree have been many. It has been the foundation of great wealth, greed and power, anointed the noblest kings and queens, crowned our elite sportsmen and women and is said to be both magical and medicinal, earning its title “Liquid Gold” – by Homer, the Immortal Greek Poet.
Today, our appreciation for olives and their miraculous oil has grown such that worldwide production of olive oil is around 3 million metric tons per year. We are aware of the olive’s health benefits from diet (the Mediterranean diet, rich in olive oil, is believed to increase longevity and decrease the risk of heart disease and other serious illnesses) to skin care (the Romans swore by the oil for its hydrating and softening properties and would use it after bathing to moisturise their faces and bodies). What we may be less aware of is that olive oil is a useful and effective addition to our home cleaning kits.
Oils have many surprising household benefits beyond the kitchen. They produce fabulous wood and furniture polishes, as they possess the power to hydrate and revive thirsty, dried-out wooden furniture and surfaces, and dislodge dust and dirt, while reducing and diminishing unsightly scratches. They are also extremely effective at making stainless steel appliances sparkle.