Regular cleaning can help people with allergies and asthma

cleaning helps with asthma

For many people with allergies and asthma, regular cleaning can help keep symptoms at bay; and there’s nothing quite like giving your home a thorough once-over. But depending on what products you use, that shine can come with a dark side. So before you reach for those chemical laden cleaning products read on!

With their eye catching labels,colourful bottles and clever advertising slogans it’s easy to forget that many household cleaners are chemical cocktails that may set off respiratory and skin reactions in people who have sensitivities and allergies. Not only are they triggers, but scientist Anila Bello says they can actually cause new sensitivities to form.

You really do not need harsh chemicals to clean your home, visit our web site for a host of easy and effective natural cleaning recipes that will tackle any cleaning task. Or give us a call we will be more than happy to help you care for your home naturally. Because health is wealth and you can not put a price on it.