Not so fantastic plastic

In today’s throwaway society, plastics are everywhere: building materials, clothes, toys, food and drinks cans, drinking bottles, cling films and storage containers. Unfortunately, plastics are bad news for humankind and our environment. Constructed from numerous chemicals, such as bisphenol-A, more commonly known as BPA’s, polyvinyl chlorine (PVC), polystyrene and polycarbonate, these highly unstable chemicals are linked to obesity, thyroid and hormonal problems, heart disease, cancer and other diseases, and can leach potentially dangerous carcinogens into our food and water, especially when heated or frozen. Therefore, it is important to treat these containers and packagings with extreme caution; never heat food in them, or use them in microwaves, dishwashers or freezers.

Always try to avoid plastics where food and drink are concerned, especially if marked with the number 3, 6 or 7, as they more than likely contain BPA’s and PVC’s. To limit exposure, avoid non-BPA free canned foods since the inside of most conventional cans are lined with BPA’s; a wiser option is to consume fresh or frozen alternatives. Where possible, purchase food and drink packaged in glass, paper or cardboard, and invariably store food and drinks in glass or food-grade stainless steel storage containers and bottles. Additional plastics to avoid are plastic trays containing meats and fish; ask your butcher or fishmonger to wrap the produce in plain paper or a brown paper bag instead. Other plastic items to be mindful of are babies’ teething rings, babies’ bottles, sippy cups and children’s toys marked with a number 3 or “PVC.” Furthermore, check your shower curtain to ensure it is not PVC; if it is, replace it with a safer option such as cotton.
Plastic codes deciphered

1 = Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)2 = High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
4 = Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
5 = Polypropylene (PP)
Use these plastics labelled 1, 2, 4 or 5 carefully and sparingly if at all, but preferably for dry goods only.
3 = Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
6 = Polystyrene (PS)
7 = Others – Such as Polycarbonate BPA and BPS
Avoid using plastics labelled 3 or 6 wherever possible. Unfortunately, the truth is there are very few, if any, really safe plastics so it is best to avoid them at all costs.
Be very wary of the category 7 as even the BPA-free plastics may still contain bisphenol S (BPS), which is a known hormone-disrupting chemical.