Home-Made Pressed Plant & Flower Frames


We simply adore these home-made pressed plant and flower frames.

Plants and flowers bring life to any space, and whilst you may have some well-loved plants throughout your home, with a little care their leaves can be used to craft these fabulous home-made wall art ideas.

Not only do the frames look amazing, they are quick, easy and enjoyable to make.

Materials Needed:

•Leaves or flowers
•A heavy book
•Baking paper
•Simple frame
•Double-sided tape
•Nail + hammer to hang


1: Gather some of your favourite leaves from your indoor plants or collect a selection from outdoors whilst taking your daily exercise.

2. Press the leaves individually between two sheets of baking paper in the middle of a heavy book. Once evenly inside, lay the book on its side and stack another weight on top. Let the leaves dry for a couple of days. Once the leaves are fully dry you will be able to remove them from the book without them curling at the edges.

3: It does not matter which kind of frame you use as long as it has a front piece of glass and a back piece (of glass or a hard background). Remove the back part of the frame and position your dried leaves or flowers in your ideal position. Add a few small pieces of double-sided tape to the back of your foliage and secure it into place, front-side-up on the frame’s back piece. Then carefully slide in the glass and hang your masterpiece in a position where it can be admired!

Tip: Using a frame with a glass front and back will look wonderful if you place it on a windowsill where the sun can shine through it.