Healthy Spring Skin Tips & Tricks for the New Season

Spring signals the end of winter and marks the time when flowers and trees begin to blossom and bloom, and the sun shines for longer, warming the earth! It is indeed a beautiful time of the year.

That is why after the harsh winter weather coupled with months of dry indoor air your skin is likely  feeling a little under par! Even if you were extra vigilant with your beauty regime and kind to your body during those dark days, your skin may still need a good freshening-up session or two.

So it is time to get your skin looking and feeling healthy and radiant again with these healthy skin care tips:

Wake up with an energising morning scrub
Start your day by mixing a few tablespoons of coffee grounds and sugar with a little bit of shea or coconut butter. Take this mixture to the bath or shower and gently rub on your skin. If you’re a coffee lover, you’ll love how the aroma instantly wakes you up and energises you for the day. The coffee combo with sugar removes stubborn dead skin cells that can accumulate on your body during the winter months and the shea/coconut moisturises your body for a healthy radiant glow.

Sun protection is a must!
Springtime is actually a high risk time for sunburns and sun damage. Although the weather is warmer, it’s still so mild you might not feel how strong the sun is. Apply a safe non-toxic sunscreen every morning and reapply it again before any outdoor activity during the day.

Try an eye cream
Because the sun’s more prominent in the spring, people are more prone to squinting. To combat the fine lines and wrinkles that can form around the eyes, try a natural organic eye cream with a high concentration of antioxidants and vitamin C to plump up the fine lines and wrinkles that have already formed. Also always ensure you wear your sunglasses when it is sunny!

Re-evaluate your cleansing routine.
Spring is all about cleansing and renewal! It’s also a good time to make sure your facial cleansing routine is top notch. Your routine should include a nourishing cleanser, a toner or facial mist and a
moisturiser. Sounds simple right? It is. Making sure your routine is simple is key to sticking to it consistently and revealing beautiful skin daily.

Try Meditation
Live a happier, healthier life with just a few minutes of meditation a day. Meditation has remarkable benefits for your health and well being. It helps you to gain clarity, focus, balance and increase happiness, emotional stability, reduce stress and increase intuition. Need a little help to get started? Try the “Headspace” app with some free daily sessions.

Get outside and enjoy some fresh air
Spring is the perfect time to get outside and reassess your exercise routine. Sunshine is healing in so many ways, and this is certainly true for the skin. It’s never a good idea to spend excessive amounts of time in the harsh midday Summer sun. Like all things in life, sunshine should be enjoyed in moderation. So take it easy not to burn!