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Chemical Free Cleaning Services

“The flower doesn’t dream of the bee, it blossoms and the bee comes!”

Bees are important pollinators of native plants and crops. There are 200 native bee species in Sydney. Bee populations around the world, including our native bees, are in decline. The main reasons for this are widespread pesticide use, disease and habitat loss.

You can help save our bees:

🐝 Grow bee-friendly plants in your garden.
🐝 Keep a native beehive in your garden. @sydneynativebees tells you how to get started.
🐝 Provide nest sites for native bees to lay eggs – don’t clear all the dead wood from your trees, leave old hollows and bare ground in your garden.
🐝 Let some herbs and vegetable plants go to flower.
🐝 Avoid using poisons or pesticides.
🐝 Add a drinking area for bees. Bees can drown in deep water, so fill a bowl with marbles, stones or corks to make it easy for bees to get in and out. If you have a pond they can land on a lily pad.

Information provided by Sydney Nature Team

Eat less from a box and more from the earth: Support your local farmers!

You might spend a little bit more initially, but the produce you buy at a farmers’ market will also last you a lot longer. Many products at the supermarket have been sitting in transport for at least a day or two, while produce at your local market was most likely harvested earlier that day.

Because your produce isn’t travelling far, farmers can harvest exactly what’s ready for consumption, without having to factor in travel time. That means the tomato you’re buying today was selected because it was perfectly ripe and ready to enjoy.

Order our 3 natural cleaning products and receive a product of your choice for free

Thanks to all our customers and followers for their loyalty and great trust to gain over 2000 followers via Instagram.

This is the greatest incentive for us and we will continue to provide you with our natural cleaning service and homemade products in the future. To say thank you, we would like to offer everyone who orders our 3 natural cleaning products a product of your choice for free.


Simply make a little note when you place your order with us which additional product you wish to add to your order!

Our conscience can tell us what we should do, but it can not keep us from doing it!

Most of us own a phone of some kind. and according to research by the EWG over 40% of children under 8 have their own tablet!

Yet, we still don’t have a definitive answer on how the radiation emitted by these devices impacts our health. Most of the studies carried out focused on 3G technology, but now 4G and 5G devices are sold every day. A few years back, California officially issued guidelines advising phone users to keep phones away from their bodies. These guidelines were based on studies that link phone radiation to serious health risks such as damage to children’s brain development, lower sperm counts in men, tumours, negative effects on general learning, memory and sleep.

Another landmark study from the Ramazzini Institute confirmed the National Toxicology Program’s results and found tumours in lab animals exposed to radio-frequency radiation. The burning question is: Should we be concerned about the potential impacts of phone radiation on our health and that of our children?

The earth laughs in flowers

My passion and overall mission is to heighten awareness of the diverse, damning effects these so called safe solutions are wreaking on our health and well-being and to demonstrate how to eradicate them simply, safely and cost effectively from our lives for good. By simply taking a little time out to focus on your immediate surroundings, scouring labels, questioning and reassessing the array of conventional products you are consistently utilising, is a huge positive first step and this alone will empower you to become more aware of the frightening number of toxins you are exposing your loved ones and yourself to on a daily basis.

Don’t take the risk!

When consumers buy commercial cleaning products, they expect them to do one thing: clean! But while the vast array of hidden chemicals in cleaners help the products to foam, bleach, and disinfect, many also contribute to indoor air pollution, are poisonous if ingested, and can be harmful if inhaled or touched. In fact, some cleaners are among the most toxic products found in the home.

Cleaning ingredients vary in the type of health hazard they pose. Some cause acute, or immediate, hazards such as skin or respiratory irritation, watery eyes, or chemical burns, while others are associated with chronic, or long-term, effects such as cancer.

Learn how to simplify your cleaning routine and sign up for our newsletter today. 

How do chemicals trigger your sense of smell?

Many toilet cleaning products on the market today contain bleach and a host of additional undesirable chemicals extremely hazardous to people and harmful to our environment and waterways. Our instinct can go crazy in the bathroom with some air freshener. Those with synthetic ingredients could be doing you more harm than good. Rather than purifying the air, they work by releasing a chemical such as methoxychlor, which coats your nasal passages with a film of oil or by deadening your nerves so you can’t smell anything.

My homemade peppermint toilet fizzies are a breath of fresh air. An easy, non-toxic approach to sanitise your toilet, simply pop one in the toilet bowl after flushing and leave.

Be someone’s sunshine when their skies are grey

The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the main cause of skin cancer, sunburn, premature ageing, and eye damage. UV damage in childhood significantly increases our risk of skin cancer. So it is important to help children develop good sun protection habits. Show children how to be careful through role modelling and encourage independent sun protection behaviours. Active, outdoor play is important for health and development. Whenever you are outside during the sun protection times, make sure the whole family is well protected – including the adults!

  • Use sunscreen every day, even if it’s cloudy.
  • Apply at least one ounce of sunscreen at least 15 to 30 minutes before going outside.
  • Use a lip balm or lipstick that contains sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30.
  • Choose a broad spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB radiation.
  • Make sure it is water resistant and has a SPF of 30 or higher.
  • Reapply sunscreen every two hours. Reapply every hour if you are swimming or sweating.
  • Be extra careful around water and sand.
  • Limit the amount of time you’re in the sun between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
  • If possible, wear a long-sleeved shirt and long pants.
  • Wear a hat that shades your face, neck, and ears and a pair of sunglasses.

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet!

The Environmental Protection Agency’s so-called “tolerance levels” for pesticides are good for the agriculture industry, but not so good for humans. That’s right – despite growing research showing that pesticides can be harmful at very low doses, the EPA still allows pesticides to be sprayed on our fruits and vegetables and we are told they are safe to consume!

Hazardous pesticides such as; chlorpyrifos have been linked to brain and nervous system damage in children, as well as other serious health issues – even in small doses. A child that eats just one peach or even a single strawberry with the legally allowable residues of chlorpyrifos would exceed the EPA’s own safe exposure level for this food alone.

The food we produce and the way we produce it has profound effects—good or bad—on our health, quality of life and the environment. Protect your health and environment while ensuring a sustainable future.


Why is it important to reduce waste and recover resources?

Australians generate about 67 million tonnes of waste per year, and that figure is growing. We need to take action to reduce waste, and effectively manage the waste we create. We can protect the health of our communities and reduce environmental impacts if we harness the value of materials we dispose of and return them to productive use. (Australian Government)

The 2018 National Waste Policy by the Australian Government provides a framework for collective action by businesses, governments, communities and individuals until 2030.

The policy identifies five overarching principles underpinning waste management in a circular economy. These include:

  • Avoid waste
  • Improve resource recovery
  • Increase use of recycled material and build demand and markets for recycled products
  • Better manage material flows to benefit human health, the environment and the economy
  • Improve information to support innovation, guide investment and enable informed consumer decisions.
