Our twenty first century world is constantly evolving rapidly. New advances in science and technology to make our lives easier and more efficient are staggering. You only have to look around you, to see someone plugged into some type of device, be it a lap top, iPad, computer, or smart phone. In fact most of us would be lost without them, even worse many of us are totally and utterly reliant on these gadgets to the point of addiction. Startling figures for 2017, document the number of smartphone users in Australia is estimated to reach 16.69 million, with the number of smartphone users worldwide forecast to exceed 2 billion users by that time.
Not only is it our addictive devices that have been scientifically created to satisfy our craving for an easy existence, the sad truth is that we are now totally consumed and reliant on the wonders of science and technology to make our lives as effortless as possible. We automatically assume that all products manufactured and sold to us are safe and will not harm mankind or our environment and we are happy to use them until a scientist or someone in the media points out otherwise. Practically all of the products we purchase have in some shape or form been chemically constructed.
Now saying that not all chemicals are bad but there is a very dark side to our dependancy on toxic chemicals. Since the 1960s in particular, the increase in toxic products we use every day is astonishing. Statistics reveal the average home contains up to 1,000 chemicals, a number of which are considered unsafe or have not been thoroughly tested. While some chemicals can be tolerated in small quantities, they may become problematic if combined with other toxins, or encountered in large amounts.
Because we have different bodies, genetics and tolerance levels, it is difficult to determine at what levels the chemicals begin to affect general wellbeing. Nevertheless, it is a fact that abundant toxins can and do lead to health problems. This alone should be a strong enough reason to question what is hiding behind the confusing labels, clever marketing and fancy packaging of these perilous products. But there is a dark side to our chemical dependency; we have produced such an extraordinary variety and quantity of chemicals so rapidly and with so few controls that they have now spread unseen into every corner of our increasingly contaminated environment. And we have learned too late that many of these chemicals are in our bodies and may be making people sick.
Recent scientific research has show that common chemicals can disrupt our endocrine or immune systems. Others can harm our brains, damage our reproductive abilities, or may even trigger cancer. Some even believe that chemical toxins are at least partly responsible for the obesity epidemic.
Once our awareness has been heightened to the harm these commodities are inflicting to your health and well being and the future of our planet, I guarantee you will not look back.
Join our recruits today and commence spreading the word. “Lets start cleaning up our acts naturally” and “Paying attention to prevention”, because our future, the future of our children, their children and our planet rely on it!