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Healthy Gift ideas for Family & Friends 

| Health & Beauty

“Getting Crafty”!

What better present could you give a loved one than the gift of health? These favourite ideas of ours should provide plenty of inspiration for that special person in your life.

 1. Tea Gift Selection 

Tea is delicious, healthy, and perfect for anytime of the year. Both green and black teas are packed with antioxidants, and green tea is known to aid in weight loss. Did you know that tea can also assist you with cleaning tasks around your home? (See our blog on Green Tea).

2. A healthy Cookbook / Cleaning book 

How many times have you heard or even said to yourself that eating healthy is boring? Convince your friends and family of the benefits of delicious and nutritious food by purchasing them a cookbook that proves the benefits of a clean wholesome diet. And how it can assist in not only maintaining a healthy body and mind, but also make you look and feel fabulous. Want to try something new? Our book “Beginning a life less toxic” home detox will guide you through an easy to implement series of processes, recipes and ideas that will assist in removing toxins and chemicals from your families lives. Available to order on our website now.

3. Fitness or Yoga Classes 

Buy a gift certificate for classes at a local studio, or arrange a private session with an experienced instructor. It’s a great way to get out of the house while having fun, meeting new people and getting in shape!

4. Water Bottle 

A good reusable glass water bottle is a fabulous gift. It will keep your water cold and easily accessible to help keep you feeling your absolute best while you exercise or travel.

5. Eating Local 

Help your friends or family members take advantage of the changing abundance of produce from season to season with a membership to a local farmers charity fund. Or see if the local farmers’ market in their area will let you purchase a gift certificate or credits.

6. Healthy house plant

Plants look great and make your home more liveable while removing pollutants from the air by absorbing them through their leaves and roots. You can find some more facts about air pollution in our latest blog about Indoor Air pollution. 




Home-made face masks, good enough to eat!

| Health & Beauty

“Natural beauty is the best beauty”!

Why waste money on expensive face masks when you can easily make your own at home? Not only will you save money, you will help the environment and avoid exposing your skin to hundreds of toxins found in commercial skin care products. A win, win situation all round!  Many of the ingredients for theses deliciously fresh organic face masks you will no doubt already have on hand, either in your kitchen or fridge.  We hope you enjoy our top picks as much as we do, and don’t forget!  If you don’t use all of the mixture, just get a spoon and dig in for a healthy snack. 💚

1. Hydrating mask – for dry skin 
Avocados in the form of face masks are a natural and chemical-free way to nourish skin. They are the ideal base for a mask if you have dry, red, itchy, or rough skin.


1/2 very ripe avocado
2 tablespoons of honey
1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil

Mash the avocado in a small bowl until it’s smooth before blending in the honey and coconut oil. Apply the mask to your face and neck and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse your face afterwards with warm water and pat dry. The antioxidants in the avocado will help to detoxify your skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leaving your face hydrated, supple and plump.

2. Balancing mask – for oily skin
Caring for oily skin is all about balance. Get it under control with this natural organic banana mask. It contains Vitamin A, B and E which evens out the skin and helps to delay the ageing process. The Potassium in the bananas smooths out dry skin by moisturising and hydrating the skins cells.

1 ripe banana
1/2 orange (juiced)
2 tablespoons of honey

Mash a ripe banana with the orange juice and honey and carefully apply the mask to your face and neck. Leave to work its magic for 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water. If you have time, massage your face with ice cubes afterwards which helps to tight the skin and close any open pores. This delectable mask will have your face glowing and radiant in no time!

3. On the spot mask – for acne and pimples

If you’re suffering from spots, pimples and scarring, fear not! You are not alone. Believe me we have all been there at some stage and know it is no fun to live with – Why not ease your symptoms with this antibacterial soothing face mask.

2 tablespoons of honey
1 – 2 drops of essential tea tree oil

Mix both ingredients together and apply to your face and affected areas. Don’t use any more tea tree oil than is recommended, as too much tea tree oil can burn your skin. Always dilute essential oils with other a carrier oil or other ingredients before applying to the skin. This powerful mask will help to deep clean your skin and the antibacterial properties will stop any further infection.

4. Minimise pores mask – for oily/combination skin
Pores are minute holes in the skin through which sweat and oil pass. Each pore has a tiny sebaceous gland at its root which produce sebum, the skin’s natural lubricating oil. This mask is perfect for cleansing the pores and closing them, leaving behind a smooth fresh appearance.

2 Egg White
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon honey
optional: oatmeal

Mix the egg white and lemon juice together until it resembles a thick paste and then add the honey. Apply the mask with a soft brush or spoon to your face. Allow the mask to dry and tighten for 15 minutes before removing it with cold water. For a gentle exfoliation add a little oatmeal to the mixture before applying.

5. Anti ageing mask – for mature skin

You can’t stop the signs of ageing but you can delay them for as long as possible! This face mask may help to reduce some of the tell-tale signs like age spots, sun damage and fine lines. The green tea in this mask has incredible health benefits. Plus it contains potent antioxidants which can help to protect the skin against the damage of UV rays.

1cup of brewed green tea
1 teaspoon yogurt
1 teaspoon lemon juice


Mix the yogurt with the lemon juice and add a couple of teaspoons of green tea. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 15 – 20 minutes. The yogurt helps to reduce blemishes, sunburn and discolouration of the skin, whilst the lemon juice acts as a deep cleanser. Wash the mask off with the remaining green tea and gently pat dry.

As powerful as these flavoursome face masks are, we all know that ‘prevention is better than cure’! Healthy skin is an expression of what is actually going on inside our bodies as well as outside. Therefore to deal with skin conditions effectively you must treat your body kindly and holistically. Drink plenty of water, cut down on dairy, load up on green juices and vegetables, limit your sugar, alcohol and caffeine intake to achieve healthy glowing skin from the inside out!

5 Easy ways to clean your home with citrus fruits including lemons, oranges, limes and grapefruits

It is wintertime and the shelves in the supermarket are bursting with various citrus fruits. Lemons, oranges, grapefruits and limes are not only flavourful and pretty – they are fantastic for several cleaning tasks around the house too. “So when life gives you lemons”! clean your home naturally with the following DIY ideas:

Try the refreshing combination of fresh lime and mint for a natural  home-made citrus spray.


1. Make your own home-made natural citrus spray. It is inexpensive, simple and free from harmful chemicals. The citrus oils combined with the vinegar form a dream team of clean.

Start by collecting your favourite citrus peels, then tear them up squeezing as you go into a glass jar. Pour vinegar over the peels until they are fully covered then secure the mixture with a lid and store in a cool and dark place for four weeks. Strain the solution after four weeks through a small mesh sieve to ensure it doesn’t contain any pith. Decant the citrus cleaner into a spray bottle, add a couple of drops of natural dishwashing detergent and shake. The spray is now ready to use in the kitchen, bathroom and all around the house. The power of the citric acid will break down hard water deposits and dissolve filmy soap scum and grease, whilst the antibacterial and antiseptic properties will disinfect and sanitise your surfaces.

2. Clean the sink and drain with lemons and baking soda.
Sprinkle baking soda all over your sink and down the drain. Cut a lemon in half and squeeze it all over the sink, wetting the baking soda with the lemon juice. The baking soda will begin to bubble and form a paste. Leave the paste to work its magic for a few minutes and then rinse with white vinegar or hot water. Dry-off for a streak-free result.

3. Create a natural air freshener by mixing fresh lemon or grapefruit juice with water in a spray bottle and use all around the house.
Combat odours from pets, cooking, work and everyday living by mixing one cup of lemon or grapefruit juice with one cup of
filtered water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spritz around the house. You can also absorb odours from the fridge or dishwasher by soaking a sponge in lemon juice and placing it inside. Change the sponge weekly.

4. Clean your microwave with ease and leave it smelling fresh with a lemon.
Give your microwave an antibacterial clean out by mixing 1/2 cup water and the juice of a lemon plus the peel in a bowl. Microwave the mixture for 3 minutes on high power and let it sit for 5 minutes (don’t open the door). Wipe down the inside of the microwave with a cloth or tea towel and use the lemon mixture to remove any leftover stubborn spots.

5. Whiten your laundry without bleach
No need for bleach to brighten clothes that have dulled or yellowed.
Simply add 1/2 cup of lemon juice to the rinse cycle when washing white laundry, and then hang the items to dry outside in the sun. The combination of lemons and sunlight will have your whites looking good as new. You can also remove unsightly underarm stains from shirts and blouses by scrubbing them with a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water. (Be sure to do a test patch first and do not use this method on delicate fabrics or silk).

Lemons, oranges, grapefruits and limes are not onlly flavourful and pretty!


Harmful chemicals in our every day drinking water

| Inside & Out


Did you know that the water we presume is pure may actually contain a variety of poisons such as chlorine, chloramine, asbestos, pesticides, fluoride, copper, mercury, and lead.

Not all of their potential effects are known, but some of these chemicals have been linked to various medical conditions such as high cholesterol, obesity, hormone suppression and even cancer. Effects may not be noticeable immediately, but certain aspects, including premature puberty, could compound the potential risks. As a result of their pervasiveness, these hazardous chemicals eventually find their way into our water supply.  Strict water regulations are in place in Australia, with guidelines laid down by the National Health and Medical Research Council.  The water is firstly filtered and disinfected to ensure the safety of our Australian drinking water, using sufficient disinfectant to inhibit the re-growth of microorganisms as the water travels through the pipe system to your home.

Fact: The downside of inhibiting the growth of bacteria and micro-organisms to make our drinking water safe is actually having an adverse effect.

As many of the chemicals used in this procedure such as chlorine and fluoride are actually toxic.

How can you make your drinking water safer?

You might think bottled water is a better option than tap water. However, focusing on bottled water is far from ideal as plastic bottles can leach BPA’s and other toxic plastic chemicals into the water. You should also consider that the bottled water industry is not environmentally sustainable. The production and shipping of bottles uses up resources and contributes to pollution.

After researching various options we at Natures Army have come to the conclusion that investing in a high-quality home filter might be the most beneficial long-term solution. There are various types of water filters on the market. They range from the simple bench top style to the more sophisticated systems requiring special plumbing and electrical work. Usually, water filters with a faster water flow are more expensive, but there are also some great basic systems available.

Water is life and clean water means good health. So find out if you have any particular water issues in your area, and if so have your water quality tested immediately so that you can install the appropriate system and begin providing safe drinking water for you and your family.

Pre-Order The “Home Detox” now to receive a 10% discount and a signed copy of the book!

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Home Detox

Our homes should have a positive effect on our wellbeing, and offer a safe haven where we can retreat to with our loved ones, to escape the clutter and chaos of our busy lives.
However, opening the door after a hectic day’s work or play may not offer the sweet, wholesome, experience we had in mind.

In fact, our homes could actually be making us sick!

Unfortunately, many conventional household cleaning products we use to clean our homes with today are extremely toxic, and the impact from these so-called essential commodities can be decidedly negative and costly to our health.

The “Beginning a life less toxic” home detox, will take you through a factual and easy to implement series of processes, recipes and ideas that will assist in removing harmful toxins and chemicals from your families lives in the very environment where we should all feel the safest – The Home!
Pre-Order your copy now and receive a 10% discount
All Pre-Ordered books will be signed copies