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Not so fantastic plastic

In today’s throwaway society, plastics are everywhere: building materials, clothes, toys, food and drinks cans, drinking bottles, cling films and storage containers. Unfortunately, plastics are bad news for humankind and our environment. Constructed from numerous chemicals, such as bisphenol-A, more commonly known as BPA’s, polyvinyl chlorine (PVC), polystyrene and polycarbonate, these highly unstable chemicals are linked to obesity, thyroid and hormonal problems, heart disease, cancer and other diseases, and can leach potentially dangerous carcinogens into our food and water, especially when heated or frozen. Therefore, it is important to treat these containers and packagings with extreme caution; never heat food in them, or use them in microwaves, dishwashers or freezers.

Always try to avoid plastics where food and drink are concerned, especially if marked with the number 3, 6 or 7, as they more than likely contain BPA’s and PVC’s. To limit exposure, avoid non-BPA free canned foods since the inside of most conventional cans are lined with BPA’s; a wiser option is to consume fresh or frozen alternatives. Where possible, purchase food and drink packaged in glass, paper or cardboard, and invariably store food and drinks in glass or food-grade stainless steel storage containers and bottles. Additional plastics to avoid are plastic trays containing meats and fish; ask your butcher or fishmonger to wrap the produce in plain paper or a brown paper bag instead. Other plastic items to be mindful of are babies’ teething rings, babies’ bottles, sippy cups and children’s toys marked with a number 3 or “PVC.” Furthermore, check your shower curtain to ensure it is not PVC; if it is, replace it with a safer option such as cotton.
Plastic codes deciphered

1 = Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)2 = High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
4 = Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
5 = Polypropylene (PP)
Use these plastics labelled 1, 2, 4 or 5 carefully and sparingly if at all, but preferably for dry goods only.
3 = Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
6 = Polystyrene (PS)
7 = Others – Such as Polycarbonate BPA and BPS
Avoid using plastics labelled 3 or 6 wherever possible. Unfortunately, the truth is there are very few, if any, really safe plastics so it is best to avoid them at all costs.
Be very wary of the category 7 as even the BPA-free plastics may still contain bisphenol S (BPS), which is a known hormone-disrupting chemical.

Ginger spice shake and vac

Ginger spice shake and vac is a powder carpet freshener which eliminates lingering, pet and cooking odours that get trapped in carpets. With this recipe you can sprinkle the mixture evenly over the carpet and vacuum thoroughly for a clean, fresh scent in minutes.

½ cup baking soda
½ cup borax substitute
5 drops cinnamon essential oil
2 drops of ginger essential oil

Mix all the ingredients together and spoon into an empty spice jar or cocoa shaker, or any other vessel with a sprinkler lid..

This spicy deodoriser is especially effective at eliminating pet odours from carpets and rugs, leaving them feeling and smelling instantly fresher. Shake the powder over carpets or rugs and leave to work for a few hours before vacuuming clean.

Natural Laundry Booster

Brighten and refresh dingy laundry with this homemade eco-friendly dry laundry booster. Instead of paying for commercial brands, you can easily make your own with basic ingredients found at any grocery store. 

4 cups baking soda
40 drops grapefruit oil
30 drops lavender oil
30 Drops tea tree oil

Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl and mix thoroughly. Break up any lumps with the back of a fork to ensure the oils are blended properly. Scoop into an air tight glass jar and store in a cool, dry, dark place as sunlight can accelerate the expiration of essential oils.

Add ½ a cup of laundry booster to your wash at the beginning of the cycle and use in conjunction with your natural, home-made laundry detergent and watch as stubborn stains and grease disappear. Baking soda is a natural deodoriser and is effective at removing unpleasant, pungent odours; its alkaline nature helps to soften hard water, making laundry detergent more effective at removing dirt and stains. Clothes will be left clean and soft with a natural uplifting fragrance from the essential oils. It is ideal for tough laundry duties that require that little extra effort such as sports kits, bedding and tea towels.

Irresistible & Healthy Popsicle Recipes

| Recipes

Skip the ice cream truck and go straight for the healthier ice pops this summer! Remember: not all popsicles are created equal & healthy. Store-bought treats typically pack a significant amount of added sugar, artificial colours and preservatives. DIY popsicles instead require only five ingredients or less, meaning they
are inexpensive, healthy and easy to make. They are also a fun way for children and adults to experiment in the kitchen together, and an effortless way to add more nutrients to your child’s diet without using refined sugar. You might get impatient waiting for your pops to freeze, but hold on in there as these treats are definitely worth the wait!

Apple & Coconut Yoghurt Popsicles
2 to 3 apples
½ cup of coconut milk
½ cup of coconut yoghurt
granola and/or kiwifruit

Light and delicious and not just for kids. Place 2 to 3 apples in the blender with ½ cup of coconut milk and coconut yoghurt. Blend until smooth. Stir in some sliced apples, granola or kiwi fruit and pour into a popsicle mould and add the sticks. Freeze for at least 6 hours, until solid. Yummm!

Mint & Watermelon Popsicles
3 cups diced watermelon pieces
1 tbsp mint leaves
1 1/2 cups coconut water
1 tbsp lime juice
1 tbsp honey

In a blender, puree 2 1/2 cups diced watermelon pieces, 1 tbsp mint leaves, 1 1/2 cups coconut water, 1 tbsp lime juice and 1 tbsp honey. Cut extra watermelon slices into 1/4 inch cubes and evenly divide them between the popsicle moulds, then pour in the popsicle mixture and insert the popsicle sticks, if  the sticks do not stay in place use a piece of tape to secure them. Freeze for at least 6 hours, or overnight.

Strawberry & Coconut Popsicles
3/4 cup coconut milk
3/4 cup coconut water
1/2 cup coconut cream
Juice of half a lime
5-8 fresh raspberries

This recipe is highly adaptable and customisable. If any of the fruit is not in season for your area change it out for one that is. Place all ingredients in a food processor or blender and process or blend until puréed, about 1-2 minutes. Pour mixture through a medium strainer to remove berry seeds. Pour strained mixture into popsicle moulds of choice. Freeze for at least 5 hours or overnight.

Breakfast Popsicles
1 cup greek yogurt
1/2 cup almond milk (or milk of choice)
2 tbsp honey
granola or oats

A delicious, healthy breakfast that is quick and easy to make and will keep you cool all day long. Simply mix 1 cup greek yogurt, 1/2 cup almond milk (or milk of choice) and 2 tbsp honey. Then pour all ingredients into your popsicle moulds, add in a few berries (or any fresh fruit you have at home), and top with a little granola or oats. Easy, right?

Healthy Spring Skin Tips & Tricks for the New Season

| Health & Beauty

Spring signals the end of winter and marks the time when flowers and trees begin to blossom and bloom, and the sun shines for longer, warming the earth! It is indeed a beautiful time of the year.

That is why after the harsh winter weather coupled with months of dry indoor air your skin is likely  feeling a little under par! Even if you were extra vigilant with your beauty regime and kind to your body during those dark days, your skin may still need a good freshening-up session or two.

So it is time to get your skin looking and feeling healthy and radiant again with these healthy skin care tips:

Wake up with an energising morning scrub
Start your day by mixing a few tablespoons of coffee grounds and sugar with a little bit of shea or coconut butter. Take this mixture to the bath or shower and gently rub on your skin. If you’re a coffee lover, you’ll love how the aroma instantly wakes you up and energises you for the day. The coffee combo with sugar removes stubborn dead skin cells that can accumulate on your body during the winter months and the shea/coconut moisturises your body for a healthy radiant glow.

Sun protection is a must!
Springtime is actually a high risk time for sunburns and sun damage. Although the weather is warmer, it’s still so mild you might not feel how strong the sun is. Apply a safe non-toxic sunscreen every morning and reapply it again before any outdoor activity during the day.

Try an eye cream
Because the sun’s more prominent in the spring, people are more prone to squinting. To combat the fine lines and wrinkles that can form around the eyes, try a natural organic eye cream with a high concentration of antioxidants and vitamin C to plump up the fine lines and wrinkles that have already formed. Also always ensure you wear your sunglasses when it is sunny!

Re-evaluate your cleansing routine.
Spring is all about cleansing and renewal! It’s also a good time to make sure your facial cleansing routine is top notch. Your routine should include a nourishing cleanser, a toner or facial mist and a
moisturiser. Sounds simple right? It is. Making sure your routine is simple is key to sticking to it consistently and revealing beautiful skin daily.

Try Meditation
Live a happier, healthier life with just a few minutes of meditation a day. Meditation has remarkable benefits for your health and well being. It helps you to gain clarity, focus, balance and increase happiness, emotional stability, reduce stress and increase intuition. Need a little help to get started? Try the “Headspace” app with some free daily sessions.

Get outside and enjoy some fresh air
Spring is the perfect time to get outside and reassess your exercise routine. Sunshine is healing in so many ways, and this is certainly true for the skin. It’s never a good idea to spend excessive amounts of time in the harsh midday Summer sun. Like all things in life, sunshine should be enjoyed in moderation. So take it easy not to burn!