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Natural Bathroom Cleaner

Since there are so many various types of surfaces to clean, cleaning the bathroom can be time- and labor-intensive . Even though you can get various bathroom cleaners in spray bottles, making your own bathroom cleaner is safer for your family and healthier for the environment.

1½ cups baking soda
½ cup Castile liquid soap
1 cup filtered/distilled water
2 tablespoons white vinegar

Mix baking soda and Castile soap in a bowl and dilute with water. Add vinegar and stir well, ensuring any lumps have dissolved. Pour liquid into a glass spray bottle and shake well before use. Instructions A powerful cleaner ideal for any bathroom surface, it cuts through soap scum, mould and mildew. Simply spray and wipe the surface with a clean cloth and rinse off residue with warm water.

Natural Ant Attack Spray

Ants are critical to our environment yet they soon become pests when they begin to invade your space and over take your home. This recipe is safe and natural, so please be patient, I can assure you it does work, it simply takes a little longer than conventional chemicals.

Place a 1/4 cup white or apple cider vinegar, juice of 1 lemon, 1/4 cup of filtered water into a glass spray bottle. Shake the bottle well to combine, then spray around skirting boards, window cills, door thresholds, all entry points and just about anywhere you’ve spotted the pesky little critters. Repeat daily until ants are completely gone. 

Quick fix: Microwave

Give your microwave an antibacterial clean out by mixing 1/2 cup water and the juice of a lemon plus the peel in a bowl. Microwave the mixture for 3 minutes on high power and let it sit for 5 minutes (don’t open the door). Wipe down the inside of the microwave with a cloth or tea towel and use the lemon mixture to remove any leftover stubborn spots.

Plastic toys from China

Chinese-made toys came under attack a few years ago for having high levels of lead paint — and more than nine million of them were recalled. Because China’s product quality control isn’t as strict as it is in the US or Australia, it’s smart to steer clear of toys made in China. To ease your mind, many toy stores have lists of “Toys Not Made in China” that you can check out before you buy. Or check the recall list online before you toss a toy in your (virtual) cart. Most of us know by now to avoid toxic, BPA-ridden plastic beverage bottles, plastic food storageware, plastic wrap and resealable (or zipper-lock) food storage bags. (If you didn’t know that, now you do!)

But, plastic is everywhere, so toxins can be found in the places you might not know about. 

Spring Cleaning: Step by step

We recommend to spring clean in little chunks of time. Here are some ideas:⠀

  • Front Door: Give your entrance door some attention and dust cobwebs, wipe down the doorbell and mailbox. Using a damp cloth, remove fingerprints, smudges, and germs from light switch plates and doorknobs.⠀
  • Dust ceiling fans: You can place a pillowcase over the blade, then pull it toward you to collect the dust. After dusting, use a damp cloth to clean off each blade. Then dry.⠀
  • Bathroom: Most people dread the bathroom, so if you start there then it’s off the list. Work at mineral deposits with vinegar. You can also apply baking soda to the shower to attack grime. Let those solutions do their magic while you clean the rest of the bathroom.⠀
  • Kitchen: Remove all dry goods and spices from your pantry. Wipe down shelves and remove expired food and old spices. When returning items to the shelves, place the newest foods to the back so you use up older items before they expire.⠀
  • Surfaces: You can use lemons as a natural antibacterial bleach. If you’re using lemons in cooking, don’t throw away the squeezed halves- rub them over your chopping board to disinfect it, or use to clean and deodorise surfaces.