Are You Poisoning Your Baby?


Baby products full of toxic ingredients, do more harm than good.

Conventional baby products contain a whole host of undesirable ingredients, which penetrate the skin and enter into your precious bundles fragile body every time you use them. Do not be taken in by the clever marketing campaigns of this multi million dollar industry.
The truth is your baby’s skin does not require all of this intervention and with new borns, less is definitely best.


For this reason it is wise to cease purchasing these formulas at once and switch to 100% natural products. Oils such as olive oil, almond oil and coconut oil are all excellent for moisturising your babies skin and extremely cost effective at the same time. If you must buy baby products, read all labels carefully and check for the main 5 offenders listed below. Protect your children from these toxic chemicals, they are depending on you to do the right thing.

1. Talc

This powdered mineral is added to baby powder (and many other cosmetic powders). It’s used as a drying agent, but it’s a known lung irritant and may also be carcinogenic.

“The mineral talc tends to occur in rock mass formations that are intermingle with other magnesium silicate minerals, including the highly dangerous asbestos. Since it is virtually impossible to extract the talc rock from the asbestos during the mining process, the carcinogenic contaminant is almost invariably going to be carried over into any consumer product containing talc.”

Ever since this news came out in the late 1990s, some companies have switched to talc-free baby powders, but there are still problems with many of the ingredients on their lists.


Adorable Baby Girl Taking a Bath

2. Fragrance

Fragrance is added to countless products, either to create a particular fragrance or to mask the odour of the nasty chemicals used in production. The problem with fragrance is that it’s a catch-all term for whatever secret ingredients companies wish to add (they are not obligated to reveal what’s contained within ‘fragrance’), and are generally made of coal and petroleum derived synthetic chemicals.

The effects of fragrance are long lasting, lingering on the skin for hours, and can cause respiratory, neurological, skin, and eye damage. There is evidence that exposure to fragrance as a child may lead to asthma. Fragrance is added to disposable nappies), baby powder, baby wash and shampoo, lotions, and many other baby products. Check the labels carefully before you buy.

3. Proplyene glycol

This chemical is a penetration enhancer that is easily absorbed by the skin and may be carcinogenic. Its job is basically to open up all the pores and let the other chemicals in. Propylene glycol is used in wiper fluid and to de-ice airplanes, and yet it is often found in baby wipes, which is not safe. Look out for polyethylene glycol (PEG) and polypropylene glycol (PPG) on labels, too.

4. 1,4-dioxane and ethylated surfactants

The Environmental Working group (EWG) found that 57 percent of baby soaps are contaminated with 1,4-dioxane. Although it’s never listed as an ingredient, 1,4-dioxane is often present in beauty products because it is a contaminant or by-product that occurs when “ethylene oxide, a known breast carcinogen is added to other chemicals to make them less harsh.

If you see any ingredients that contain the letters eth, then that is an indicator of the presence of 1,4-dioxane. Stay away from polyethylene, polyethylene glycol, sodium laureth sulfate, ceteareth, oleth, oxynol, xynol, and PEG.


5. Mineral oil

Baby oil is essentially made of mineral oil mixed with fragrance, which is a nasty combination. Mineral oil is a cheap byproduct of petroleum processing and acts as a plastic wrap on the skin, inhibiting the skin’s ability to release toxins. Opt instead for natural and nourishing oils such as olive, coconut, or sweet almond to massage into your baby’s skin.

6. Parabens

Unfortunately parabens are everywhere. They can be found in all soaps, body washes, shampoos, and moisturizers, including those marketed toward babies. Parabens are neurotoxins and are linked to reproductive toxicity, hormone disruption, and skin irritation. Stay away from anything with ‘paraben’ in its name, as well as benzoic acid and propyl ester.

7. Triclosan

Anything that’s labeled as ‘antibacterial’ likely contains triclosan, which is a carcinogenic endocrine disruptor that’s also harmful to the environment. Although it makes sense to want to keep your baby away from unnecessary bacteria, that’s the wrong approach to take. By raising our babies in sterile environments, we inhibit their ability to create natural resistance and immunity, increase the likelihood of allergies, and render antibacterial treatments less effective for when we truly need them to work. Stay away from all antibacterial soaps and body washes.

So there you have it, time to kick the chemicals for a healthier brighter future for you and your little angels. I promise you won’t regret it!