Carpets and rugs are a safe haven and breeding ground for a host of nasties, including mould spores, bugs, dirt and numerous undesirables. Certain floor coverings consist of synthetic materials and fibres, manufactured from exceedingly unsafe chemicals. These chemicals are dangerous to pets and young developing children, who spend most of their early lives close to the ground and are more susceptible to the dangers of toxic overload caused by consistently breathing in these harmful poisons.
Wherever possible, replace old carpets and rugs with easy to clean, natural fibre, wool and cotton coverings. Or even better, replace carpets with hard wooden flooring, an eco-friendly linoleum or ceramic tiles that can be cleaned easily, be sure to use non-toxic adhesives, sealants or stains when installing. It is extremely important to always keep rooms with carpets well ventilated and ensure they are cleaned thoroughly on a frequent basis with a vacuum fitted with a HEPA filter. These filters capture a wide range of particles and are especially efficient at eliminating allergens, which is particularly important in babies’ and young children’s bedrooms and for anyone suffering from asthma and other respiratory disorders.