5 Easy ways to clean your home with citrus fruits including lemons, oranges, limes and grapefruits

It is wintertime and the shelves in the supermarket are bursting with various citrus fruits. Lemons, oranges, grapefruits and limes are not only flavourful and pretty – they are fantastic for several cleaning tasks around the house too. “So when life gives you lemons”! clean your home naturally with the following DIY ideas:

Try the refreshing combination of fresh lime and mint for a natural  home-made citrus spray.


1. Make your own home-made natural citrus spray. It is inexpensive, simple and free from harmful chemicals. The citrus oils combined with the vinegar form a dream team of clean.

Start by collecting your favourite citrus peels, then tear them up squeezing as you go into a glass jar. Pour vinegar over the peels until they are fully covered then secure the mixture with a lid and store in a cool and dark place for four weeks. Strain the solution after four weeks through a small mesh sieve to ensure it doesn’t contain any pith. Decant the citrus cleaner into a spray bottle, add a couple of drops of natural dishwashing detergent and shake. The spray is now ready to use in the kitchen, bathroom and all around the house. The power of the citric acid will break down hard water deposits and dissolve filmy soap scum and grease, whilst the antibacterial and antiseptic properties will disinfect and sanitise your surfaces.

2. Clean the sink and drain with lemons and baking soda.
Sprinkle baking soda all over your sink and down the drain. Cut a lemon in half and squeeze it all over the sink, wetting the baking soda with the lemon juice. The baking soda will begin to bubble and form a paste. Leave the paste to work its magic for a few minutes and then rinse with white vinegar or hot water. Dry-off for a streak-free result.

3. Create a natural air freshener by mixing fresh lemon or grapefruit juice with water in a spray bottle and use all around the house.
Combat odours from pets, cooking, work and everyday living by mixing one cup of lemon or grapefruit juice with one cup of
filtered water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spritz around the house. You can also absorb odours from the fridge or dishwasher by soaking a sponge in lemon juice and placing it inside. Change the sponge weekly.

4. Clean your microwave with ease and leave it smelling fresh with a lemon.
Give your microwave an antibacterial clean out by mixing 1/2 cup water and the juice of a lemon plus the peel in a bowl. Microwave the mixture for 3 minutes on high power and let it sit for 5 minutes (don’t open the door). Wipe down the inside of the microwave with a cloth or tea towel and use the lemon mixture to remove any leftover stubborn spots.

5. Whiten your laundry without bleach
No need for bleach to brighten clothes that have dulled or yellowed.
Simply add 1/2 cup of lemon juice to the rinse cycle when washing white laundry, and then hang the items to dry outside in the sun. The combination of lemons and sunlight will have your whites looking good as new. You can also remove unsightly underarm stains from shirts and blouses by scrubbing them with a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water. (Be sure to do a test patch first and do not use this method on delicate fabrics or silk).

Lemons, oranges, grapefruits and limes are not onlly flavourful and pretty!