Did you know that the water we presume is pure may actually contain a variety of poisons such as chlorine, chloramine, asbestos, pesticides, fluoride, copper, mercury, and lead.
Not all of their potential effects are known, but some of these chemicals have been linked to various medical conditions such as high cholesterol, obesity, hormone suppression and even cancer. Effects may not be noticeable immediately, but certain aspects, including premature puberty, could compound the potential risks. As a result of their pervasiveness, these hazardous chemicals eventually find their way into our water supply. Strict water regulations are in place in Australia, with guidelines laid down by the National Health and Medical Research Council. The water is firstly filtered and disinfected to ensure the safety of our Australian drinking water, using sufficient disinfectant to inhibit the re-growth of microorganisms as the water travels through the pipe system to your home.
Fact: The downside of inhibiting the growth of bacteria and micro-organisms to make our drinking water safe is actually having an adverse effect.
As many of the chemicals used in this procedure such as chlorine and fluoride are actually toxic.
How can you make your drinking water safer?
You might think bottled water is a better option than tap water. However, focusing on bottled water is far from ideal as plastic bottles can leach BPA’s and other toxic plastic chemicals into the water. You should also consider that the bottled water industry is not environmentally sustainable. The production and shipping of bottles uses up resources and contributes to pollution.
After researching various options we at Natures Army have come to the conclusion that investing in a high-quality home filter might be the most beneficial long-term solution. There are various types of water filters on the market. They range from the simple bench top style to the more sophisticated systems requiring special plumbing and electrical work. Usually, water filters with a faster water flow are more expensive, but there are also some great basic systems available.
Water is life and clean water means good health. So find out if you have any particular water issues in your area, and if so have your water quality tested immediately so that you can install the appropriate system and begin providing safe drinking water for you and your family.