Limit your use of plastic with these 3 tips

It is important to limit your use of plastic in general. Here’s how you can create a more eco-friendly footprint.

  1. Wash your clothes less often. One load of washing can release 750.000 pieces of plastic into the water. Since a recent report by a clothing brand found that 49% of Australians wash their T-Shirts after just one wear, it wouldn’t hurt to stretch it out a little longer.
  2. Don’t flush contact lenses. US research found that up to 20 % of people flush their contacts, which releases around 23 metric tonnes of plastic into the water system every year. Don’t send anything into the sewer that isn’t supposed to be there.
  3. Say a big no to microbeads. Products that contain microbeads, like shower gels, exfoliants or toothpaste, can send up to 100.000 plastic particels down the sink in one use. Rather choose products that use natural ingredients, like salt, sugar or bamboo.