I adore cleaning, finding it both therapeutic and satisfying, although I doubt everybody shares my lust and enthusiasm for household domesticity! That is why I have devised a list of handy hints and tips to save you time and effort and hopefully find a little joy in tackling the household chores.
1. Make an appointment
First, make an unbreakable appointment with yourself once a week, noting the date and time on your calendar. Decide which chores you will tackle and draw up a priority checklist and tick off the jobs once completed. Make sure you have the correct tools and equipment to address the tasks in hand.
2. Hunter gatherer
Gather together everything you will need for each individual job, placing all of the items together in a basket or cleaning caddy, to save you from running backwards and forwards expending both time and energy. I always keep a cloth tucked into my pocket or belt when mopping or vacuuming just in case I see a spot I missed earlier.
3. Clean and tidy go hand in hand
If a dirty house is tidy, it automatically gives the effect of cleanliness. However, if a clean house is untidy, it automatically gives the effect that it is dirty. In my world, to be truly clean you have to be truly tidy and vice versa; you cannot have one without the other. So before commencing your cleaning routine, ensure that you de-clutter and tidy everything away first of all.
4. Work the room
When cleaning, always begin at the dirtiest point, moving clockwise around the room in a circle, until all tasks have been accomplished and you are back where you began. By completing the toughest jobs first, you ensure you are not spreading dirt and grime, and working in a circle guarantees that you do not miss anything.
5. Upstairs downstairs and top to bottom
Start at the top of the house if possible. For instance, if cleaning a two-storey home begin with the toughest job upstairs, which is usually the bathroom or ensuite. Once these rooms are completed and you are satisfied with the results, shut the door and move on to the next room. If you are cleaning a single storey home, start at the back of the house and work toward the front. Always begin at the highest point in each room. For example, in the kitchen, set about cleaning the top shelves first and work your way down to the bottom shelves; this will stop any dust, dirt or debris from falling onto the surface you have already cleaned. Make sure all surfaces are washed down, and dusting is completed before vacuuming or mopping. Vacuuming and mopping should always be done last. A closed door signifies the room has been cleaned and tidied to your satisfaction. Shutting the door helps to stop you from wasting time and energy from going back over jobs and duplicating your efforts. I always close the door behind me and move on immediately to the next room and so on until the upper floor is finished. Once every upstairs room is completed, it is time to move downstairs and begin the process again. Start with the bathroom or kitchen depending on which one is in the worst state. Once you are satisfied with your efforts, shut the door and move on. A house full of closed doors is a job completed. Well done!
6. Bit by bit
Breaking up household chores makes them less daunting. For instance, doing a little bit of housework each day helps to keep on top of things and stops the workload from piling up, making cleaning day not quite as forbidding. If, like myself, you do not have a dishwasher, a helpful hint is to fill the sink with very hot washing up water just before preparing dinner. Then simply pop the dirty utensils, pots, plates and pans in the water as you use them, that way they will be soaking while you eat and be ready just to give a quick wash once you are finished. No matter how tired you are, aim to wash the dishes straight after dinner, then let them air dry overnight. This will save you from the dreaded washing up mountain the next day and will also give dishes time to dry naturally, leaving them clean and germ-free. Empty the bins regularly and before replacing the bin liner, put a few spare bags at the bottom of the bin, so they are always there to hand. Get into the simple habit of emptying your bins each evening and leaving them by the front door; this way you can just scoop them up and carry them out with you the next morning.