Did you know that you can clean your home naturally and safely using food leftovers? Yes it is true, and you will be amazed by the results. It’s called: ‘Cleaning outside the box’! Try our favourite fridge and pantry finds to freshen and brighten nearly every area of your home.
Dust paintings (or stucco) with bread heels
Don’t let dust or dirt ruin your favourite paintings. Even after years of accumulating on vintage oil paintings, doughy white bread will make them look like new. Simply rub the squishy white part of the bread over the painting to lift off the grime, then use a paintbrush to remove the crumbs.
Clean leather furniture with banana peels
Stop buying leather/shoe polish. The texture and oils in banana peels act as a mild abrasive and polish. To clean, buff or moisturise leather/vinyl or any shiny outerwear use a ripe banana peel. Simply rub the inside over the item to be cleaned and buff with a soft cloth.
Remove water stains from metal or stainless steel with orange peels
Don’t put that orange peel in the bin! If your taps and metal fixtures are tarnished with water stains, shine them up by rubbing the inside of an orange peel over their surface. The citric acid and the oils in the orange peels create a streak-free result. Finish off with a soft cloth.
Condition wooden surfaces with mayo
The ingredients in mayonnaise — oil, lemon juice and vinegar — make it a good furniture polish. Rub it into the wood and buff with a soft cloth. Mayonnaise is also good for removing white water marks from wood also.
Remove rust from tarnished kitchen knives by cutting up an onion
This process will remove the rust from the knife, but you’ll have to throw the onion away. You win some, you lose some.
Freshen up the fridge with coffee grounds
Pour used or unused coffee grounds into a bowl and place in the back of the fridge to freshen and deodorise.
Cover up scratches on wooden furniture by using a walnut
Remove a large piece of nut from the shell and rub it diagonally into the scratch. Pecans, almonds, and Brazil nuts will also work. Apply the nut across the whole length of the scratch rubbing in a backward and forward motion several times. Leave to sit in the scratch for several minutes before using a soft cloth to polish over the whole area.
Disinfect the kitchen with dry white wine
The alcohol, combined with the acidity, helps remove stains and kill germs. Warning: The acidity in wine may damage certain surfaces such as granite.
Remove mould and mildew with vodka
Spritz neat vodka directly on to mildew-y bathtub caulking, stains, tiles and showers, leave for 15 minutes before scrubbing with an old toothbrush.
Shine windows with black tea
Brew a batch of strong black tea by pouring about 8 ounces of boiling water into a bowl with 3 tea bags. Let steep until it’s completely cooled. Then, pour it into a spray bottle and set to work. The tannic acid in black tea dissolves dirt and grease.
Freshen carpets with cornstarch
Sprinkle cornstarch on your carpets. Leave for 30 minutes and then vacuum. Like Baking soda, corn starch has deodorising properties that will leave your carpets and rugs smelling fresh and new again.
Clean odd-shaped vases and bottles with rice
Mix uncooked rice with water in the vessel to be cleaned. Swish it around vigorously and you’ve used the power of agitation. Magic!
Clean shoes & remove marks with a potato
Rub a raw, peeled potato on a pair of shoes before commencing your normal polishing process to help remove scuff marks.
We just adore these tips and ideas..and would love to hear your favourite ways of using up leftover foods. So please feel free to comment and share..